Jun 17, 2020
Patricia and Christian talk to economist and author Dirk Ehnts about the challenges facing Eurozone member nations, and the policy solution being proposed by Dr Ehnts and other MMT economists.
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Completing The Euro: The Euro Treasury And The Job Guarantee: http://revistaeconomiacritica.org/sites/default/files/9-CruzHidalgo-Ehnst-Tcherneva_Completing-the-Euro.pdf
Dirk’s summer and winter school courses: https://maastricht.dreamapply.com/courses/course/183-modern-monetary-theory-and-european-macroeconomics
Info on Christian’s MMT show: https://christreilly.com/edfringe/
Transcript for opening monologue: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38252907